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Research Department

KHUH Research Department

Research is an integral part of the vision and mission of King Hamad University Hospital (KHUH). The Research Department strives to maintain pace with leading frontiers in medical science and prioritize research in accordance with the National Health Regulatory Authority (NHRA), MoH Health Improvement Strategy, and the National Strategy for Control and Prevention of Non-Communicable Diseases set by the Kingdom of Bahrain.

KHUH has an established Institutional Review Board (IRB) responsible for reviewing and providing ethical approval for research studies conducted within the hospital. Members of the IRB follow best practice guidelines, have diverse backgrounds in research, and are certified according to Good Clinical Practice and the Declaration of Helsinki. Consequently, the clinical research community at KHUH is closely monitored to safeguard the rights and welfare of human subjects who participate in research. The IRB assures full compliance with the NHRA regulations, the Kingdom’s laws, and hospital policies governing the participation of human subjects in research.

The mission of the IRB is to direct research towards national health priorities with a focus on prevention, diagnosis and treatment of common diseases in Bahrain based on the latest national census.

Our objectives are as follows:

  • The KHUH IRB fulfills its responsibility by conducting prospective and continuing review of human subject research, including review of the protocol and applications or proposals, the informed consent process, procedures used to enroll subjects, and any adverse events or unanticipated problems reported to the IRB. Prospective review and approval of research or changes to previously approved research ensures that research is not initiated without IRB review and approval.
  • To reduce government healthcare spending by finding the best and most efficient way to treat any condition; the most efficient medication to be purchased for public consumption as needed, and to ensure patient safety and future improvement in quality of healthcare services.
  • Healthcare priority setting to include commissioned research based on the national health priorities in Bahrain.
  • To promote and support quality scientific research and development, as well as enhance the opportunity for healthcare professionals to conduct research relevant to the patients.
  • To promote national, regional and international collaborations in science and medical research with the mission of improving healthcare services and clinical outcomes.
  • To continue the advancement of the field of science and medical research relevant to improving the health of patients in Bahrain, with specific focus on genetic diseases, women’s health, and chronic diseases.
  • To provide guidance for clinical and non-clinical ethical issues.
  • To provide training for the awareness of all employees regarding the code of ethics, as well as managing and handling ethical issues and dilemma in research studies.

Current Health Priorities according to the Ministry of Health:

  • High blood pressure
  • Dyslipidemia
  • Coronary Heart Disease
  • Diabetes
  • Smoking
  • Obesity
  • Hereditary Blood Diseases
  • Cancer

Contact Us:

Abdulla Almusalam, Head of Scientific Research & Development, 17444283 |

Dr. Priya Das, Scientific Researcher   17444272 |

Ms. Israa Sinan, Scientific Researcher   17444274 |

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